Remembrance Day Liturgy on Nov. 10 @ 10:45
Please join students and staff for our Remembrance Day Liturgy on Friday, November 10th @...
Lunch Time Supervisor Needed
St. Mary of the Angels is currently looking for a full time lunchtime supervisor. This...
St. Jean de Brebeuf C.H.S. Open House
Attention Grade 8 parents, St. Jean de Brebeuf C.H.S. will be having a open house...
Our 2017-2018 Catholic School Council
St. Mary of the Angels is proud and thankful for our 2017-2018 Catholic School Council...
Sara Westbrook Presentation: Resilience , Confidence and Mental Well Being!
A reminder to all parents and guardians that there is a special presentation by Sara...
October Newsletter
Click the link below to find our October Newsletter. Inside you will find information regarding...