Kindergarten Christmas Concert
A big thank you to all of our Kindergarten teachers and ECEs for all their effort and commitment organizing and planning this year’s FDK Christmas Concert. The performance was absolutely beautiful.
St. Mary of the Angels Catholic Elementary School
Together We Believe! Together We Belong! Together We Become!
A big thank you to all of our Kindergarten teachers and ECEs for all their effort and commitment organizing and planning this year’s FDK Christmas Concert. The performance was absolutely beautiful.
On Thursday December 13, 2018 our very own music teacher Ms. Beltrano and students from our very own opera choir performed at the Richmond Hill Centre for the Performing Arts with Opera Belcanto of York in their Christmas concert entitled “Joy!”. Please read this beautiful summary letter written by Ms. Beltrano. We are very proud of our students and teachers here at St. Mary of ... Continue reading "St. Mary of the Angels Opera Choir"
On Thursday December 13, 2018 St. Mary of the Angels Primary Christmas Concert performed for our parent community. The true meaning of Christmas, the birth of Jesus, was the focus and it was beautiful. A big thank you to our Primary teachers and French teachers for all their effort and time spent organizing and putting together such a beautiful presentation. ... Continue reading "Primary Christmas Concert"
On Friday December 9th our school choir, lead by Ms. Beltrano and Ms. Contatto , performed at the Catholic Education Center. The performance was part of the long history of inviting school choirs to perform Christmas songs during the Advent season. Our choir did a phenomenal job, the amount of compliments and positive feedback has been overwhelming.
On Monday November 26 our Pajama Drive concluded. This Christmas charity initiative was in support of St. Agnes Church and our school donated over 400 sets of Pajamas. A big thank you to our very generous families for making this a success and making a difference to those less fortunate. Please see attached the letter of thanks from the church. ... Continue reading "Very Successful Pajama Drive!"
Click the link below to find our December Newsletter. Inside you will find information regarding the month’s activities as well as updates on school news.