
News Stories

Family Skate Night

Our Catholic School Council is happy to announce this year’s Family Skate Night will be held on Saturday February 10th @ 7pm. Please see the attached flyer for more information. Please note all participates skating on the ice will require a completed consent form (adults included). We look forward to a wonderful evening together!

SMS Skate Night.pdf

Luke 4:18 ‘Me to We’ Initiative

The  Luke 4:18 Committee invites you to support our charitable goals by purchasing a rafiki bracelet. In Swahili, the word for friend is rafiki.  This is an opportunity to celebrate all the special people in your life who make you stronger. Using traditional art forms, each piece is handcrafted by a mama in Kenya who is empowered through earning a fair wage for her work.   ... Continue reading "Luke 4:18 ‘Me to We’ Initiative"

“Saving our Trees” Initiative

As part of our next Eco/Luke 4:18 initiative, our school focus will be on “Saving our Trees” . Throughout the month of January we will be collecting any used or unwanted books. These books will then be given to local charities and our parish church.  Students will learn about the  importance of collecting and REUSING , rather than recycling materials. Students will visit classrooms to ... Continue reading "“Saving our Trees” Initiative"

Boys Intermediate Volleyball Champions

Last week our Boys Intermediate Volleyball Team wrapped up an amazing season. The team started their journey back in September and it certainly went the distance. Lead by their dedicated coaches, Mr. Spadafina and Ms. Palumbo, the team was able to win the school area tournament and advanced to the regional tournament. At regionals, the boys played extremely well and finished the tournament in second ... Continue reading "Boys Intermediate Volleyball Champions"

Primary Advent Liturgy

Our Primary grades did an absolutely beautiful job in putting together this year’s Advent Liturgy. Singing, prayers and dramatization all contributed to making this year’s Advent liturgy a very memorable one. Click the link below to view the entire group picture from the performance. A special thank you to all our Primary teachers, as well as, our French teachers that were apart of the liturgy. ... Continue reading "Primary Advent Liturgy"